Day 3
Miles today: 56
Miles Run so far: 156.6
Miles to go: 2873.4
Day 3 started strong. Adam went from Cabazon, CA to Mecca, CA. The tendinitis behind his knee was much improved and the course was relatively flat, with some rolling hills through wind farms near North Palm Springs. The route is a bit tricky from here to Phoenix as we are forced to find roads parallel to I-10, which is tricky to do in this part of the country! Many roads are narrow, lined with sand or loose gravel. Unfortunately, Adam started experiencing tendon pain behind his ankle late in the day, which forced him to walk his final 18 miles. It's amazing how quickly a day can change for him because of the demands he's putting on his body. But we know he is strong enough to overcome the pain, and will find joy on the other side! We are still marching east!
Blurb about documentary– Documentary crew is really getting to know Adam and the entire crew. It's cool to see the way they are weaving themselves into Adam's vast support network and are finding ways to encourage. We had another equipment blooper on day 3…the film crews 15-passenger van (who has been named Van Wilder) got stuck in the sand when parking for the night. Two hours later, Van Wilder was freed!
Link to donate (documentary): https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-bearded-sole-project-a-running-documentary#/
- Where is Adam now? Live Tracking (Support Van): https://share.delorme.com/AdamKimbleGWR or Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/494499582
- Fund Adam’s Run: https://www.gofundme.com/AdamsRaceAcrossUSA
- Pick up a Bearded Sole Limited-Edition T-shirt: http://booster.com/adamkimble1
- Support the “Bearded Sole” documentary on Adam’s World Record Run: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-bearded-sole-project-a-running-documentary#/
- Who are the documentary guys? http://www.charliekmedia.com
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