Mud Runs and Obstacle Course Races are an exciting way to get outside and active on the weekends with friends, family and more. Running an obstacle race or mud run can be daunting at first with so many unknown variables. What will the obstacles be like? Can I do them? Am I ready for such a challenge? What do I wear? What do I bring?
Mud Run Guide is here to help you answer some of those questions, specifically, what to bring. The other concerns will fall into place as you start out on the course. We want to help take the stress out of race day with these five OCR essentials to have in your bag.
OCR Essentials for Race Day
Full Change of Clothing
The first thing you want to pack for after the race is a complete change of clothing. It's easy to remember a shirt and shorts or pants to change into after a run, but be sure also to include a change of underwear. Forgetting that one item can turn a great race into a swampy ride home. Be sure also to pack an extra sweatshirt or light fleece jacket after the race, even in the dog days of summer, repeatedly dunking yourself in water on course can chill the body and that extra layer will be appreciated when the race is over.
Extra Shoes
Pack an extra pair of shoes for after the event. Whether it be a pair of sandals, sneakers, rubber boots, or something else have a clean pair of shoes to walk around the festival area after you finish your event. Pay attention to the weather before you leave the house as most of the festivals are situated on grass or dirt which means if it's been rainy before the race, the festival will be wet! Be sure to have a dry pair of socks to go with those dry shoes.
Most events have an area to rinse off after the race. These “showers” can range from a single garden hose to a heated locker room type shower. Be sure to bring a big beach towel (or two) with you in your race kit. The towel can help you dry off after a race, or if you end up at an event without a changing area, you can always pull a surfer move and change under your towel. Be sure to bring a towel or towels that are okay to get dirty. Mom's brand new white ones in the bathroom are probably not the best idea for race day. You can also wrap all your dirty
Be sure to bring a towel or towels that are okay to get dirty. Mom's brand new white ones in the bathroom are probably not the best idea for race day. You can also wrap all your dirty clothes and shoes into your towel if you forget the next item on the list.
Trash Bag
Trash bags are an obstacle racers best friend when it comes to post-race cleanup. Be sure to pack a couple at the bottom of your gear bag or kit to put all your wet, dirty, clothing and shoes into at the end of the race. Be sure to pick up a couple of good quality bags that will remain intact when filled with mud run and obstacle race clothing and shoes.
Cash is the final piece of the puzzle to bring to an obstacle race or mud run. Many vendors only take cash on race day, and you might need some extra dough for parking fees, bag check charges, and more. Plan to bring between $40.00 – $60.00 on race day in cash. That should cover parking (at least the economy parking), bag check fees, and leave you with enough money for a meal on site after the event or even some extra for a memento from the merchandise tent.
Some larger events, like Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, Savage Race and more have ATMs on site but don't count on it, many of the smaller regional events will not have them on site and without cash, you will find yourself out of luck with some food and beverage vendors.
Overall, be sure to pack these OCR essentials items whenever you head out of the house on race day. Have more questions? Sure you do! Be sure to check out our OCR 101 section on Mud Run Guide to help you find the best event for you and answer all your other pre-race questions!
One of the best tricks I picked up with the trashbag is bringing one big enough to stand in. Rather than stomp around in the dirt/mud where everyone else has been changing, I have a clean dry spot to stand while I shuck off my wet/muddy gear.