You may have or may not have noticed Storelli Bodyshield gear for sale on Tough Mudder's website recently. Originally designed for soccer players to prevent injuries, this gear is quickly making its way to the mud run and obstacle race scene.
I had a perfect opportunity to test how well this equipment performs during this year’s World's Toughest Mudder. Having to crawl, climb, and roll your way through any obstacle course can be stressful on your body, especially when you are doing it for 24hrs. I was extremely impressed by how well the Storelli products work. I wore the slider compression shorts to give our hips protection, along with the knee guards and arm guards.
Typically I don't like wearing any knee or elbow pads, but I was so happy to have these. They are so flexible, lightweight and non-restrictive that you almost forget you have them on. They stayed in place the whole time I wore them, and it felt so good while crawling on the desert floor. Storelli Bodyshield gear is the perfect addition to your gear list for any extreme event such as World's Toughest Mudder.
Key Features:
Impact Resistant:
Provides heavy-duty ergonomically-designed padded elbow protection via high-performance polyurethane foam optimized for impact absorption and comfort.
Premium moisture-wicking compression fabric optimizes comfort and breathability while enabling an aggressive look that will make your arms look like a caped superhero’s.
Designed for optimal movement and adaptability, these padded arm guards make you quickly forget you are wearing extra protection.
IMPACT RESISTANT: Engineered To Reduce Extreme Levels Of Impact
LIGHTWEIGHT: Breathable, Moisture Wicking Fabric That Uses Performance Friendly Open Cell Materials
FLEXIBLE: Responsive Design For Optimal Movement And Adaptability
ANTI-MICROBIAL: Blocks Germs And Odors With Anti-Microbial Foams And Fabric
MILITARY GRADE: Use Of Combat-Tested, Military-Grade Foams
STEALTH: Sleek, Comfortable Fit Without Compromising Performance
They go for $60 for the short compression sliders, $45 for the knee guards & $40 for the arm guards. You can find them on the Tough Mudder Gear website as well as on major online retailers. For more information about the product visit the product website, Storelli.com.
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