Earlier today, the OCR World Championships team announced the addition of a 3 kilometer (slightly less than 2 miles) short course on Friday, October 14, 2016 and opened registration. Below is a blurb from their website:
The OCR World Championships (OCRWC), the premier independent world championship in the sport of obstacle course racing, is excited to announce the addition of a new competition offering for the 2016 OCR World Championships at Blue Mountain Resort, Ontario, Canada, October 14-16, 2016. New for 2016, the OCR Short Course Championships will pit athletes against one another on a fast-paced, obstacle-packed 3 kilometer course. The greatest combination of speed, strength, and technique will be paramount on a course that will leave little room for error in order for athletes to claim the title of World Champion.
The 2016 Short Course Championships will take place on Friday, October 14, 2016, and athletes can compete in one of 3 divisions in each gender: Pro, Competitive, and Masters. All athletes must qualify in order to compete according to the qualification criteria on the “How to Qualify” page of the OCRWC website. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 3 finishers in the Male and Female Pro divisions.
Registration for the 2016 Short Course Championships is now open and space in all divisions will be strictly limited. Athletes may compete in both the Short Course Championships on Friday, October 14, and the Standard Distance Championship on Saturday, October 15.
Learn more at http://ocrworldchampionships.com/short-course-championships/
Here's What We Know
- The course will be short & obstacle heavy
- Wave size will be limited to fit the short course
- Divisions will be Pro, Competitive, and Masters
- Competitors must qualify in order to compete
- Athletes are allowed to compete on Friday at the Short Course and Saturday at the Standard Distance
- Registration is now open, and details are forthcoming on Sunday's Team Race
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