Getting loads of swag from races seems like a good thing at first. As your obstacle course racing (OCR) addiction grows, though, it can present problems. If you missed the last article on what to do with your race shirts, make sure you check it out here. Now is time to decide what to do with all your race bibs. Luckily, I have six strong suggestions for you.
Using your bibs in a scrapbook project is a great option. First, head to the store to print all your race pictures and then pick up some craft supplies from your local hobby store. Adding those items with your race bibs gives you all the necessary items for scrapbooking… besides imagination. Scrapbooking it is like Facebook…but in real life. The benefit is most of your friends will not have the audacity to close your scrap book and walk out of the room unlike closing Facebook, which is only a click away.
Race Bib Album:
So you lack the creative ability to make a scrapbook, no problem, just make a race bib book. Several running websites sell a Bibfolio or race bib album. You can put all your race bibs in a book and write down race results on the back of each such as overall placing, age group placing, distance, time and pace. Once you are done, place it on your coffee table so when guests come over you can be like “That old thing? What is that doing out? I guess we better go through it page by page so I can tell you about the time I peed my pants 24 times during the 24 hours of World’s Toughest Mudder.”
Wallpaper Your Child’s Room:
I was going to write hang them from your wall, but based off the number of races you have run, they probably take up a little more than just a line of bibs across the wall. Instead, use them to cover your child’s wall. This great idea saves money because now you do not have to buy wallpaper and links your racing to house chores. “Honey I am just racing so we can finish wallpapering little Jimmy’s wall.” Best of all, it also sends subliminal messages to your child to become an OCR athlete. I call it parenting done right.
What else do you do with small squares of paper? Origami of course…or rather OCRigami (since you are using old race bibs). Maybe you want to make a swan to remind yourself of how gracefully you flowed through the Platinum Rig at Battlefrog New England. Maybe you need to make a small box to hold your tears because you are one of the 82% of people that failed Conquer the Gauntlet’s Stairway to Heaven. Maybe you need to make a star so you can wish upon it before your next race so you qualify for the OCR World Championships. The possibilities are limitless and by limitless I mean limited by your patience and inability to follow directions. (Seriously, have you tried origami? It is really hard…I will stick to OCR.)
Paper Airplanes:
So you lack the skill to make OCRigami, welcome to the club. If “lack of fine motor skills” describes you, then how about some paper airplanes? You can try to throw them through a window. Just know that every time you miss…that is a thirty burpee penalty.
Throw Them Away:
What is wrong with you? Why are your saving crumbled paper covered in mud that you can barely read because barbed wire has scraped off most of the image? You have a t-shirt, a medal and pictures to prove you were there. Just throw it away.
Keep following Mud Run Guide for more great articles. Up next, the final article in the series, including suggestions on what to do with all your race medals.
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