Yesterday, Savage Race announced a new division for their SavagePro heat, the SavagePRO Masters Division. Beginning August 22nd at Savage Race Chicago, there will be a new Masters Division for SavagePRO athletes aged 40 and up. The top three males and top three females in the 40+ age group will receive unique Masters Division 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall awards.
Masters are SavagePRO athletes that may not be able to compete with the Ryan Atkins or Yuri Forces of the world, but can certainly compete at their age level. This new division will recognize these athletes and give them awards for their achievements.
Savage Race CEO, Sam Abbitt said,
“After launching SavagePRO this year and seeing the overwhelmingly positive response it has received from the OCR community, we decided to recognize the amazing OCR athletes over the age of 40 by introducing the SavagePro Masters Division. These folks are a huge part of the Savage story, and we are excited to provide them their own division to compete in, with an exclusive opportunity to win awards and recognition.”
There are no cash prizes for Masters Division overall award winners, however masters racers will receive 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall medals and MAJOR bragging rights.
Garfield Griffiths, Savage Race Operations Director and SavagePro Director commented,
“The new SavagePRO Masters Division is an excellent opportunity to recognize the top athletes of all ages. At Savage Race we want to foster an environment for athletes at all levels and all ages.”
Official SavagePRO Masters Division Rules:
The SavagePRO Masters Division is an overall award category for athletes age 40+. All SavagePRO athletes age 40+ are automatically eligible for Masters Division overall awards. The top three males and top three females in the 40+ age group will receive Masters Division 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall awards.
Athletes can only win one award. If a Masters athlete places 1st, 2nd, or 3rd overall (out of all SavagePRO athletes, not just age 40+), they will receive their overall award and cash prize but will not receive a Masters Division overall award or an age group award too. All other SavagePRO rules, including mandatory obstacle completion, still apply.
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