The Samurai Sprint Mud Run takes place at Westport Rivers Vineyard on June 13th. I wanted to learn more about this #RACELOCAL event and reached out to Samurai Sprint Mud Run Event Coordinator, Stephen Ferreira and requested a quick interview, which he was gracious to provide.
What is the actual distance of the course?
Ferreira: The course is a 5K course.
How many obstacles will the course have?
Ferreira: Seventeen challenging obstacles.
Tell me about the course layout and anything else you think readers want/need to know.
Ferreira: The course layout is designed to help the more competitive runners get out in front of the pack. This is done by putting some of the easier obstacles at the beginning of the course. The course is set on the beautiful Westport Rivers Vineyard, which runs along the Westport River, which is picturesque to say the least.
I am curious, how and why did you come up with the OCR name Samurai and will there be any Samurai inspired obstacles?
Ferreira: The Samurai name came up for a few reasons. The first was because of the ninja warrior show, which I believe is the next level of OCR challenge. I participated in OCRs where the obstacles did not challenge the participant enough so I wanted to up the ante. One of the ways we did this was with our obstacle known as the Reverse Staircase. The goal of this obstacle is to use your hands to climb stairs. You climb up 5 stairs on one side and down 5 on the other. From the feedback we received last year this was one of the most challenging obstacles participants have ever done. The second reason for choosing “Samurai” was because they were the greatest warriors of their day. They trained in the elements, cold, rain, snow, heat, and disciplined their bodies to be great. They were not only great warriors, but they desired to be great people. They followed a code of ethics which included loyalty, honor, respect, compassion, integrity, honesty and sincerity. I think the world has lost many of these virtues and I wanted everything I do with my race associated with these virtues.
For those traveling and wanting to make it an adventurous family weekend, are there other things in the area to do?
Ferreira: There is plenty to do in this quaint New England town and the surrounding area. The Westport Rivers Winery is only about 5 miles from Horseneck Beach which is a beautiful beach that has that Cape Cod feel. There are also some great restaurants down by the water. One of which The Back Eddy restaurant which was started by famous Chef, Chris Slesinger has given us (2) $100 gift certificates to raffle off on event day along with many other great items. Another option if you are looking for more nightlife is Newport RI which is about 25 minutes away. Their beaches, bars, and restaurants are amazing and don’t forget to swing by and see the mansions or the tennis hall of fame.
How much money do you expect to donate to charity and which charities?
Ferreira: Last year we were able to donate over $2700 to charity along with a $1000 company donation which we were very pleased about. We also donated shoes and sneakers from the event to a group called Soles4Souls which sends the shoes to the needy around the world. We expect to do close to this again this year. We don’t have the same number of participants because we choose not to use Groupon as a marketing avenue. This decision was made so that we could give the discount directly to the participant and not to a company. It helps people run for less money, but it is a bit more difficult to get the word out. See we rely on past participants to help in that respect. One of the greatest local guys in the local OCR community who has always helped us is the owner of the FIT Challenge Rob McCoy. He has been instrumental in our ability to continue to do the event.
Are there any last statement/words you would like to say to our readers?
Ferreira: Come to our event you will not be disappointed! If it is your first event you will love the setting, and the family atmosphere with live music and Chef Jeff serving up some great food. If you are a veteran to OCR and are looking for challenging obstacles you are in the right place. We have Missing Bridge, a 60 foot Tyrolean rope crossing, we have the Reverse Stair Case, and our newest obstacle the Tarzan where you swing to the stationary bar where you have to traverse to the other side. If you want to try out some of our new obstacles we have a promotional event on May 30th in Dighton Massachusetts on 979 Somerset Avenue, where you can run a timed heat of just obstacles for $10.
Do you know how much additional laps are going to cost for those participating in the #RACELOCAL series and planning to run additional laps?
Ferreira: Because we pay for a minimum number of timers and we have not yet reached that number we will not be charging for additional laps. We will however only allow additional laps on heats that are not already full for safety reasons.
For those in the New England area, Samurai Sprint Mud Run is part of the #RACELOCAL series put on by the New England Spahtens.
Final Thoughts:
Being slower than a turtle with a weighted vest on, I am super excited to hear the course has been designed with some of the easier obstacles early which in my opinion may reward obstacle course racers later in the course that trail runners. I always appreciate a great view and am looking forward to the Westport Rivers Vineyards.
This is shaping up to be a fun and challenging course and in addition raise money for local charities, so I am very much looking forward to the race/event and being part of the awesome day. I hope both the local and #RACELOCAL community show up for this event/race.
Interested in participating in Samurai Mud Run?
Use Code MRG20 for $20 off registration
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