Having done so many OCR’s we are constantly seeking out the perfect gear that will outperform the rest. We may have just found that gear with Athletics8 medical grade compression gear. Seeing other athletes at races wearing this gear piqued our curiosity so we decided to give them a go.
We have tried almost every big name in compression clothing and find Athletics8 to be a notch above the rest. “Their compression gear fit better than any other brand we’ve tried. Not only do they feel great, but they feel like they are made to last.” We’ve had gear rip while crawling through mud or climbing over walls. It’s nice that Athletics8’s gear is thicker, as they hold up pretty well compared to the others.
They are a little thicker than most compression clothing but not thick enough to make you hot or slow you down during your race or run. When seeing them worn by other athletes races we thought they were just a new brand and no different from the others. In all honesty we think this brand raises the bar and will become the top clothing brand for OCR athletes.
“The great thing about Athletics8’s compression is that it can be custom fit to your size.” Since different companies have different ideas when it comes to sizing, you usually have to guess which size you are. Sizing charts can also be a little confusing if you fall in between to sizes. With Athletics8 you can order them by standard size or for a small upcharge, have it “Made to Measure“ where you will get the perfect fit! Just send in your measurements and their clothing will be made specifically to your body’s needs. You can forget the hassle of having to order 2 sizes because you aren’t sure which will fit.
Athletics8 is a USA made compression company with 20 years’ experience in medical grade compression using USA materials including an exclusive, patented fabric. The fabric has more stretch and power than most all other brands while also being the most comfortable.
Prices for garments range from $32.00 – $110.00 depending on the article of clothing.
In our family, we will only be wearing Athletic8 for OCR’s because we know they can take a beating and help us perform better.
Editor's Corner:
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