Reebok-sponsored CrossFit Invitational and Spartan Race Invitational… in the same day.
In the ultimate of brand synergies, Reebok (finally) takes some steps to more closely align two of the biggest fitness advocations in the world, in one place, at one time. Of course you know I'm talking about CrossFit and Spartan Race, as I'm sure you read the subtitle above.
We reached out to Spartan HQ and got some interesting answers:
First off, this event is the first unveiling of an “Olympic Distance” course, 1.5 miles in length. This new distance & format is part of a much bigger story relating to Obstacle Racing as an Olympic Federated Sport, stay tuned for more info on that.
The Reebok Spartan Race Invitational on April 27 in Canton, MA is “invite only” (http://bit.ly/ReebokSpartanInvitational) and limited to only 800 spots. Spartan Race is normally held with over 10,ooo racers and spectators in attendance, why does this (inaugural?) Reebok Invitational have such a limited number of entrants?
The most immediate reason is the location can only allow so many competitors and fans – the event will take place on the grounds of Reebok's headquarters in Canton, Massachusetts. Athletes will get to experience Reebok's incredible campus and training center through tours and other activities, mingle with the Reebok and Spartan Race brass and pick up some other goodies:
- Limited edition finisher medal
- Spartan Fuel pack valued at $150
- Copy of the Spartan Up! book, written by Joe De Sena
- 40% off coupon for the Reebok Campus Store on April 27th (good for the day of the event only at the Reebok Campus Store)
- Awards for top 10 overall male and female finishers
- Post race party on the Reebok Campus
…all leading up to the Invitational, where the athletes will get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity:
They will be able to try out to become Reebok/Spartan Elites.
That's right, the top 10 male and top 10 females will get the chance to change their careers with possible endorsement deals with two of the biggest names in sports!
Mud Run Guide has 3 exclusive entries to The Reebok Spartan Race Invitational, enter to win:
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- TWITTER: Retweet https://twitter.com/MudRunGuide/status/455803227619860480
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