(June 24, 2013) Earlier today, Death Race 2013 “finished” – well, as much as a race that is rumored to never end can actually finish. In honor of 20-25% of the entrants completing the event, I dug up a little piece I worked with Andy Weinberg and Joe DeSena (the madmen behind this brutal mental and physical race) on when researching Ultimate Obstacle Race Training last year. (Photos from 2013 Death Race)
Death Race turns your world upside-down for weeks leading up to the event and really hammers it home for a few days. There are thousands of excuses for why people didn't finish:
- “I'm a good runner, but this required too much strength”
- “It was too cold”
- “It was too long”
- “Other people cheated” – Joe's personal favorite
Joe says; “The few individuals that can keep their mind clear and focused while continuing to progress forward fare considerably better the average individual. The elite of this group are the ones who complete the event and inspire others – including everyone here at Death Race. We created the race to find these superheroes, and it is a life-altering event for everyone involved when they realize their full potential. If I find one superhero per race, then I consider it a rousing success”
Eventually, each competitor – whether they are in 10-12% that actually survive until Joe decided the race is over or not – is left with the realization that Death Race made them extremely mad because they may not have been beaten physically, but were decimated mentally. “On thing that I find particularly rewarding is getting emails from past competitors days or even months later who finally realize what Death Race did to them: “I'm so pissed off at myself for letting that f*cking race get to me like that!” is usually followed by a somewhat unusual request: “Is there any chance I can get an invite for next year?”.
A very large percentage of racers are repeat offenders; Death Race get under their skin and becomes a part of them. For the eighty percent or so that don't finish, those with the drive and determination to complete the race are sucked back in to submit their entry request* for the following year, knowing full-well the race will be entirely different in length of time, distance covered, obstacles and theme. Each event has a theme that goes so much deeper than just banners or emails with gladiator photos; they are diabolically chosen to make you question yourself, your priorities and everything about your life. The wrong choices may even kill you.
Every death race is radically different, as is every single element and obstacle – mental and physical; the only thing that stay constant is Pittsfield, VT, which is Joe's hometown and the only location he would consider for his events. With extremely difficult and unyielding terrain, this northern New England proving grounds nestled in the Green Mountains is the perfect place to develop the hellish challenge worthy to thrash the racers who are chosen to compete. Each year it is not only a new course waiting for these intrepid adventurers, but Joe and his team have created a unique and dastardly “life lesson” that will shake each racer to their core and make them search inside for who they really are and what they believe. Greed, faith, honesty are just some of the chosen themes; and they are not just window-dressing for a mud run; but an all-encompassing backdrop against which the consequences of each decision the competitors make is played out.
Not only are the elements constantly changing, but so is the duration. As of 2012, the longest Death Race clocked in at a whopping 70 hours while the shortest to date was completed in 12 hours. During the latter event, Joe was a competitor and the course was engineered by his partners. Upon finishing it in 12 hours, he deemed that event “too soft” and made the decision on the spot that no future racer would ever walk off any of his courses in the future and utter that phrase.
At Peak Races, we have our own “Theory of Relativity”; after carrying around a on hundred pound sand bag for a while, that twenty-five pound one feels like a cotton ball. Your perceived stress or difficulty is based on past experiences – and we create experiences that will test you to your limits.”
– Brett Stewart, Author Ultimate Obstacle Race Training
Learn more about Joe, Andy & Death Race at http://peakraces.com