Spartan Sprint
Mount Seymour, North Vancouver, B.C. Canada
June 14th 2014
Obstacles: sandbag carry, up and overs, cinder block pull, 8” wall, 2 barbed wire crawls, spear throw, wall climb, hiking and running up and down the mountain, monkey bars, tire flip, traverse wall, spear throw, rope climb, balance wall and fire jump.
The course this year was an additional 2.5 km. At each obstacle the volunteers clearly explained the obstacles, how they worked and what the penalty was for failing to complete them. It was also clearly stated this year that you could get help if you needed some. I liked the course this year more as it was longer, and you were able to go higher up the mountain and down it. Last year there was snow so some obstacles were cancelled, so it was a nice change. I also noticed this year was more about the team, witnessing several teams helping their members complete the obstacles, yelling words of encouragement, and even waiting for team members to catch up. I loved the additional barbed wire crawl, I screamed “oh yeah” when I saw it.The Race MC was awesome!! You could hear the enthusiasm in his voice the whole time he was getting our heat pumped up. He made it a point to address heat members in the front and back of the crowd and engage everyone in the before race chant.
The misting rain and tiny bit of snow didn't slow us down. My husband did his first Spartan this year, and had an absolute blast!! My favorite obstacles were the barbed wire crawl, and the 8” wall. I felt more of a positive energy this year, and more of a sense of excitement and accomplishment when I finished the race. The music was amazing!! Lots of rock!! ACDC for the win – the music they played while waiting for our heat and during the race made my heart pump more and I loved that!!! I also saw many more people this year of various ages and fitness levels, proving that anyone can accomplish a Spartan if they put their mind to it. Due to the extra length of the course and the additional of obstacles I felt more physically and mentally challenged which I loved! I came home with different scratches and bruises this time, but was able to complete an obstacle I could not last year (the traverse wall). The medals are bigger this year and have Canada written on the medal ribbon.
Parking was not clearly marked. Our friend who drove us up has a handicapped decal and it took us talking to four different volunteers to find someone to direct us to proper parking. As well, up the mountain there were no event signs at all, or any indication that we were headed to a Spartan. Having been up Mount Seymour before it wasn't a big deal for me however, someone who is out of town that wants to make sure they are in the right place would appreciate the signs more I think. I also didn't see as many media / photographers as last year. If they were there, better identification is needed. It would have been neat to see media people onsite, and I would have liked to go up to them and say hello.
The only other con I have was at the 8” wall. I kept being told to go to the women’s wall which was easier, even after I told the volunteer that I wanted to do the 8” wall. I come to Spartan races to challenge myself, and with the help of my husband I conquered the wall. I get that the one volunteer wanted to make sure I knew the other wall was easier, but if I say I am going to do the harder wall and walk up to it, please let me do it.
4 out of 5 stars
—–Charity Fick—–
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[…] For a more indepth review of this race, please feel free to read the review I wrote for Mud Run Guide.com […]
[…] For a more in-depth review of this race, please feel free to read the review I wrote for Mud Run Guide.com […]