Are you thinking about or have you already signed up for your first mud run or obstacle race? Congratulations!! Committing to doing it really is the hardest part. We know that you might have some questions before (and after) the race, so we've tried to lay out a few answers here for you. We've also compiled a lot of other common questions over at our FAQ page so if you don't see your question answered here, head over there!
Q: “What's an OCR?”
A: OCR stands for ‘Obstacle Course Race', or pretty much any race that has obstacles… but that also covers mud runs too. It's a bit of a gray area, you'll often see the phrase “OCR's and Mud Runs” used to cover both! The sport is constantly evolving, with the explosion in popularity with Ninja Warrior too!
Q: “What's the best mud run for my first time?”
A: We've got you covered here – The Best Mud Runs for Beginners where we cover how to prepare mentally and physically for your first event, and which one of the hundreds of events out there you should choose. We even make it easy with a ton of resources like:
- You have absolutely no excuse not to participate in OCRs or Mud Runs
- 6 Steps to Becoming an Obstacle Racer: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How?
- BOOM – a whole slew of FAQs
- OCR101
Q: “Should I train or race with a buddy or team?”
A: If you can find a training partner or a team that's interested in racing all together, then that's great – you can help each other stay motivated, train even better and have some fun. Do you *need* to have a buddy or a team? NO! You can absolutely complete in any mud run or OCR by yourself and even get plenty of help from other racers on the course.
Q: “I just completed my first mud run – now what?”
A: Do you have a sudden urge to climb Everest? No, not the one in Nepal, the one at Tough Mudder! Usually, the race experience is so powerful and compelling that you get addicted and come back for more… speaking of more, have you checked out the hundreds of events we have here on mudrunguide.com?
Q: “What else ya got for me?”
oh my god! my first “mud run” was a Mudderlla. how unpreppared I was! even as something as entry level as that.
-plastic bags!
-sneakers that fit good with cleats! three years in and still with Merrel All Out Peaks. 🙁 other ones just do not fit, or feel as good.
-shorts with no pockets. underarmour type shorts under the actual shorts.
-non cotton shirt!
-bag check with sandals and a towel!